Basic & Urgent Needs
Oftentimes, families are in crisis mode and lack basic necessities to meet the immediate needs of their children and often community resources are exhausted and unavailable.
PCCPSB sponsors the Rainbow Room, which provides emergency & non-emergency resources for children & families. Items can include diapers, unused clothing, formula, hygiene items, safety products and more!
Nurturing & Growth
PCCPSB promotes & financially supports efforts for children and families that are going through traumatic times. Each situation is unique and requires individual attention and planning.
Caseworker Assistance
PCCPSB understands how challenging CPS casework can be! We believe that caring and dedicated caseworkers can make a significant impact on the lives of children and families! PCCPSB strives to engage, encourage, and help support caseworkers within Parker County.
Childhood Experiences
PCCPSB believes that every child should have a ‘childhood’. Sometimes children don’t have the opportunity to just be kids, so PCCPSB helps support these efforts in special circumstances. These experiences may include birthday celebrations, educational & summer camps, tutoring, holiday parties, and outings for siblings that have been separated.