CPS Visitation Room
When children are removed from their parents and placed in the care of CPS, it is important that they have opportunities to maintain relationships with their families. To facilitate these meetings, CPS offices have special visitation rooms for children and their families to connect.
Visitation rooms are places where families can heal relationships and preserve a sense of belonging, as well as, practice skills learned through parenting support and demonstrate the ability to care for their child. Many children are reunified with their families through support with CPS, but regardless of the case outcomes, children can benefit from forming life-long safe and positive attachments with family. Because visitation rooms are one of the key places where children and families can connect, it is important that they are warm and welcoming spaces.
Periodically, these visitation rooms need a re-do. We are always in need of individuals and groups to volunteer to paint, clean and re-stock the room with furniture (e.g. couches, tables, bookshelves) and home decorations (e.g. pillows, rugs, toys, art supplies, books).